As your company grows so to do the number of applications and systems that need backing up, the amount of data you will be creating seems to be never-ending.
The concept of backing up an organisation’s information, data or intellectual property is certainly not a new one, in fact, it’s been around for well over 50 years. Despite this, a staggering 30% of companies report that they still do not have a disaster recovery program in place.
Today’s hard drives can store around 500 times the volume of data than their historical counterparts, meaning if you don’t back up more data is at risk than ever before. These advancements are continually increasing the impact of the loss or corruption of even a single unit could have on organisational data integrity.
So how are you supposed to protect this never-ending and constantly growing sea of information while still being able to recover it at a moment’s notice?
Since the release of the first tape drive in the 1950s, tape has been the traditional medium of choice for enterprise backup solutions. In recent years the popularity of this method has been impinged upon by disk-based methods. Each having its own benefits and drawbacks.
Compared to disk; tape is a far more economical method of archiving data; while also being cheap and boasting incredible write speeds. On the other hand, disk backup can be considered a better solution because data transfer can be four to five times faster than what is possible with tape.
Unfortunately, the average failure rate of disk and tape drives is 100% – all drives will eventually fail and cannot offer complete data protection if struck by a natural disaster or fire.
Scarily only 34% of companies test their tape backups and, of those who do, 77% found failures. As the unreliability of tape has become exposed alternative possibilities have begun to offer more and more compelling solutions.
The advent of the cloud has changed the way IT systems, solutions and processes are viewed and enterprise backup solutions are no different. Keeping an organisation’s data and systems in the cloud to ensure that no matter what happens inside the office, the data is protected in the cloud.
Along with this, cloud-based solutions have made for simplified management and restoration processes. But the cloud is also not without its limitations. It is typical that cloud-based service providers charge rates based on capacity, bandwidth and/or number of users meaning that as the volume of data needing protection rises so too do the costs.
With a solution that is heavily dependent on connectivity, any deviation in the quality of this connection can have a subsequent and detrimental influence on the speed and quality of backups.
Choosing which lifeboat is most appropriate for your organisation’s data is very rarely a simple decision. Each with its pro’s and cons.
Here at Backup Systems we have been developing and managing recovery solutions for companies for over 10 years. Our Enterprise Backup solution is the perfect solution for organisations with multiple servers, multiple sites and a large data footprint.
By utilising existing IT infrastructure, data remains within an organisation’s IT framework and allows for fast data restoration regardless of size.
Working closely with your organisation’s internal IT team ensures a completely tailored solution stored in either a single or multi-location on-site server solution. This ensures a solution that fits around your organisation, systems and the nature of the data to be backed up.
In addition to this, we take care of everything from the running, to the checking of backups – monitoring the health of your backup server 24/7 – all as part of an all in one package with a very competitive annual cost.